
Join the Comité d’action des locataires de l’Ouest-de-l’Île as a member and you will be part of a growing movement that advocates for a better access to affordable safe housing and the quality of life for tenants ! Our members come from all the West Island municipalities and are invested in the future of housing in the West Island.

There are three types of membership :

  • Tenant Member: Any tenant, 16 years of age or older, whose principal residence is located in one of the West Island municipalities or boroughs within our territory.
  • Community organization representative: Any non-profit organization offering activities or services in one of the West Island municipalities or boroughs within our territory. The organization must identify a representative to act on its behalf.
  • Supporting Member : Any person, tenant or not, West Island resident or not, who cares about housing issues in the area. With the right to speak but not to vote.

Why become a member?

  • Participate in the decision making process about this new organization, and have a voice in the housing conversation in the West Island
  • Receive information about housing and invitations to workshops and conferences as a priority member
  • Join the board of directors
  • Get involved with your community and have a platform to express yourself

Interested in becoming a member?

Recently joined and want to learn about your rights and responsibilities as a member?

Click the image to the right to download our Membership Booklet.